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JKnobMan Online Help


15.Knob Browser


[ Japanese | English ]

for Windows only

KnobBrowser is a 'Windows shell extension dll' for provide a knob-file thumbnails in Explorer.

KnobBrowser install and uninstall is controlled by the menu 'File'-'Config...' dialog.

KnobBrowser itself is a dll file 'KnobBrowserVista.dll' for Windows Vista or later, and 'KnobBrowserXP.dll' for WindowsXP. it is contained in the folder 'Resource/Support'.

Following commands on command prompt also available.


> regsvr32 KnobBrowser.dll


> regsvr32 /u KnobBrowser.dll

NOTE: Unfortunately, KnobBrowser install will not immediately affect the Explorer display because of the complex Windows's cache system. Windows will do thumnailing as a background task and when the thumbnail is available is not sure.
